
Сообщения за март, 2018

Datarius une Crytobank complètement décentralisée

Datarius projet développé par Fintech société ICrypto s.a. est un nouveau type social de cryptobank qui sera la première institution financière dans cryptobank industrie qui est capable d'offrir aux clients des variétés complètes de services financial exécutés dans un système décentralisé. Le système décentralisé représentant le modèle datarius inclura des technologies blockchain qui garantiront l'enregistrement et le stockage d'informations sécurisés, ce qui exclura la possibilité de modifier ou de forger des données. Le caractère distinctif de Datarius Cryptobank est que le projet permet aux clients d'obtenir des services, adaptés à leurs besoins en opérant sur l'écosystème peer to peer, où les clients effectuant des transactions sont des utilisateurs privés. Comparaison entre Datarius Cryptobank et d'autres banques traditionnelles Énoncés de mission (I) mise au point d'un système peer to peer qui permettra d'utiliser pleinement la technologie finan

The Pitch Project - A Live Video Token Sale Platform

Introduction: With the recent rise of bitcoins, day by day new blockchain projects emerge from the ground. Entrepreneurs and projects are aiming to create a crowdfunding-similar model, by handing out tokens for project supporters. Many projects though underestimate the complexity and functionality of tokens and not always, but mostly are not able to sell their tokens for their projects. On the other hand, smaller projects with a great marketing succeed. The goal of the Pitch Invetors Live project is therefore to give project team the opportunity to present their project idea to experts, and to an audience (similar like TV shows "Shark Tank". This offers the opportunity to better plan a project during it initial offering phase, because experts knows which methods to use, but also the project can get feedback and support from an audience, hearing about the project probably the first time. Features and benefits: By using the Pitch Invetors Live project, entrepreneurs and


Perusahaan sedang dalam proses pengembangan proyek Racing City Racing Tunisia, proyek ini terdiri dari pembangunan kompleks olahraga terpadu termasuk Jalur Formula 1 yang dikelilingi oleh hotel kelas atas dan unit rekreasi: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) di Hammamet, Tunisia . INVESTASI BITRACE LTD juga telah berhasil menyelesaikan kesepakatan dengan Margarete’s Beauty di Toronto Kanada untuk memulai promosi dan pemasaran Salon Kecantikan LaBelle & LeBeau di seluruh dunia untuk memungkinkan para investornya (BITRACE Buyers) membeli produk dan layanan Franchise menggunakan BITRACE Tokens . Token Sale Token Symbol: BRF Hard cap: 57.626.400 US $ Soft cap: 3.000.000 US $ Total token supply: BRF Token untuk pra-sale.000.000 BRF Token ICO: 356,264,000 BRF Geografi: Tersedia untuk investor dari seluruh dunia selain Amerika Serikat dan Republik Singapura. Harga token: 0,10 US $ Alamat Smart-kontrak Platform: Ethereum Smart-contract:akan tersedia di situs web

The Selfllery: A Smarter way to monetize your photos and videos in social media!

Digital world is changing exponentially with introducing numerous tools, software and gadgets with each passing day. One of the major aspect of the life is the internet and bringing the social media in it has come up with huge changes and innovations. Inventions of smartphones has turned the tables over and every mobile company is striving to bring the improved and best versions of their smartphones sets. Built-in cameras deigned with high technology tools have resulted in improved quality and it has become easier now to capture photos and making videos everywhere one need or wants to. There is a hell of difference between the numbers of photos taken during the past year 2017 when compared to year 2016 and so on. These photos and visual content are normally shared by people on their social media accounts which is then used by different online companies and businesses for their own purposes without rewarding back the original creators and owners and the team of selfllery is determined

Stimulating thе Sосiаl Eсоnоmу

Having the орроrtunitу to earn on ѕimрlе роѕtѕ ѕuсh аѕ соmmеntѕ, рhоtоѕ, vidеоѕ, is only the ‘tiр’ of thе iceberg in tеrmѕ оf thе mоnеtizаtiоn орроrtunitу оffеrеd to uѕеrѕ bу the Tipper рlаtfоrm as part оf thе nеw vаluе proposition. Unlikе other раtrоnаgе рlаtfоrmѕ, оn Tiрреr, your tiррing асtivitу isn’t one wау, аnd уоur tiрѕ аrеn’t just one-way ѕuрроrt оr аррrесiаtiоn for popular content creators. On Tiрреr, when уоu tip, it’ѕ a twо-wау benefit. Stimulаtiоn Score Every Tipper uѕеr рlауѕ a role in ѕtimulаting the ѕосiаl economy, bу circulating the wealth thrоugh tipping еасh other. Each timе a uѕеr tips other uѕеrѕ оr соntеnt thаt thеу likе, they’re rаiѕing their ѕtimulаtiоn ѕсоrе. Thiѕ score riѕеѕ bаѕеd off оf the frеԛuеnсу, аmоunt аnd vаriеtу of thе tips they give. Aѕ a uѕеr’ѕ ѕtimulаtiоn score rises, nеw levels of еаrning ассеѕѕ ореn uр fоr thеm, unlосking nеw wауѕ fоr them tо earn in thе Tipper Sосiаl Eсоnоmу, including the thrее new раrаdigm-ѕhifting fеаturеѕ of Cоntеnt Invеѕti

FLOGmall: an International E-Commerce Site

FLOGmall is an e-commerce site created specifically for Global Users, regardless of distance or User domicile. FLOGmall allows its Users to sell a wide range of products and services using the token FLOGmall provides. Just like inside the Mall, Users will be able to find different types of products and services provided by other Users, but in a simpler form aka LiveStore. LiveStore is just like a collection of video content, but LiveStore contains a variety of writings and blogs about sellers, stores, goods, and services. FLOGmall will make your shopping activities simpler and easier.  Getting Started Development The FLOGmall team creates a feature, wherein Users can view directly through Livestore about sellers, stores, goods, etc. provided in the FLOGmall Platform. Inside Livestore Seller may show a percentage of the video directly, so that User knows how Seller works or how the Product is made. Additionally Seller may also advertise, insert important messages, online video


Virtonomics is an in a general sense new worldview and stage for production of a standard digital money, VICoin, in light of the option virtual economy advancement Virtonomics is an online methodology diversion, in view of certifiable economy, business, enterprise and administration standards. The motivation behind the diversion is to make a beneficial and focused business. Every player gets a beginning capital, which can be utilized to build up the virtual organization as indicated by their own remarkable situation. Clients pick their custom business points, systems and strategies. ViCoin(VIC) is the token of virtonomic application in view of keen contracts of Ethereum blockchain organize. ViCoin can be earned in Vitonomic monetary diversion, being available for use outside the vitonomic ecosytem. There are three(3) sorts of monetary forms in virtonomic ecosytem which incorporate intra-amusement cash, exceptional diversion rewards (virts) and digital currency token(Vicoin Vico