Virtonomics is an in a general sense new worldview and stage for production of a standard digital money, VICoin, in light of the option virtual economy advancement Virtonomics is an online methodology diversion, in view of certifiable economy, business, enterprise and administration standards. The motivation behind the diversion is to make a beneficial and focused business. Every player gets a beginning capital, which can be utilized to build up the virtual organization as indicated by their own remarkable situation. Clients pick their custom business points, systems and strategies.
ViCoin(VIC) is the token of virtonomic application in view of keen contracts of Ethereum blockchain organize. ViCoin can be earned in Vitonomic monetary diversion, being available for use outside the vitonomic ecosytem. There are three(3) sorts of monetary forms in virtonomic ecosytem which incorporate intra-amusement cash, exceptional diversion rewards (virts) and digital currency token(Vicoin
Vicoin is sorting out an ICO which is beginning from seventh of December,2017 and closures on the seventh of March 2018, utilizing the blockchain innovation due the benefits of the blockchain. As indicated by specialists, blockchain diminishes costs, realizes trust to the ecosytem and has no focal control. Each activity of the blockchain can be seen on people in general record , consequently making it straightforward. The Vicoin is an ERC20 TOKEN which is good to mileage. The cost of I Vic to ETH is 0.8$
Tall financial, technological and intellectual hurdles of mining as a means of earning cryptocurrency on the mass market:
Block mining as a way of cryptocurrency earning is still very much the preserve of advanced technology geeks. Today, by far the overwhelming majority of people lacking specialized knowledge in both blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency economy is barred from the mining market.
Earning cryptocurrency by mining involves quite substantial investment in technological infrastructure as well as operating costs of running and maintaining mining “farms” and electricity bills. Inevitably, return rate for the owners of small domestic farms decreases, and this downward trend will continue.
Aiming at providing a massive scale for generation and use of cryptocurrencies, they divide the process of the latter’s creation into two fundamentally different processes: first, mining as the technological process cryptographic blocks generation, too complicated for most people to understand; and second, digging as the activity which is meaningful and comprehensible for the general public, forming foundation for generation of tokens and awarding them to people according to the results of their operations.
Using specially realized smart contracts, the Ethereum blockchain will store the data on:
the total number of VICoin in circulation;
the balance of VICoin on player’s account and fund flows;
purchase and ownership of digging units;
Additionally, the smart contract will implement the functionality of settlements between owners of virtual companies and hired managers according to labor contracts.
The production volume of “fuel” for cryptocurrency depends on the success and position of the player’s virtual business competition, and on the quality and amount of mining assets owned by the user. Users can convert every 100 Virtonomic earned in an economic simulator into one VICoin (VIC) and play it from game to outside market.
A Virtonomic player can act in two ways depending on his ambitions, experience and investment capabilities.
As an investor, the owner and CEO of a virtual company can employ other Virtonomics players as managers;
As a hired manager who runs a particular unit (divisional director) or functional manager who oversees key business functions and processes (marketing, sales, production directors). The employer pays the employee’s job in crypto. Work contracts and related settlements are realized in blockchain under the smartest Ethereum contract.
VICoin (VIC) cryptocurrency circulates freely, listed on the exchange and has a naturalized channel. Cryptocurrency can not only buy game entities and assets in a virtual economy but also outside of services and real goods.
By using smart contracts realized, Ethereum blockchain will store data on:
Total number of VICoin in circulation.
VICoin balance on player accounts and fund flows.
purchase and ownership of excavation units.
Change the Virt game bonus to VICoin tokens .
work contract between players.
In addition, smart contracts will implement settlement functions between
virtual enterprise owners and hired managers according to work contracts.
Why VICoin Appreciate?
Because of the size of the problem and overdemand. The total number of VICoin to be issued is set at 800,000 000 VICoin
The economics of token circulation are self-sustaining. A person can buy any Virtonomik excavation assets only for tokens. At the time of purchase at Virtonomics Marketplace, the appropriate number of tokens is burned.
The settlement between users for the services provided (the labor market in Virtonomik) is done exclusively on the
VICoin token
Tokens are issued gradually and with decreasing time effects. For example, 19% of tokens will be mined in the first year of 19% but only 15% in the second year, and so on. The fall of the number of mining tokens with the expansion of the project audience will increase the demand and, consequently, the token level.
Restricted size of issue and over-demand.
a. The aggregate sum of VICoin to be issued is set at 800 000.
b. The financial aspects of the token’s flow is independent. One can purchase any Virtonomics burrowing resources just for tokens. Right now of procurement on Virtonomics Marketplace the concurring measure of tokens is singed. Settlements between clients for administrations gave (work showcase in Virtonomics) are done solely in VICoin tokens.
c. Tokens are issued progressively and with diminishing time impact. For instance, 19% tokens will be mined in the primary year 19% yet just 15% in the second year, et cetera. The fall of the aggregate sum of mined tokens with the extension of the undertaking’s gathering of people will help request and, therefore, the rate of the token.
The project vision, goal and path
Virtonomics engine is for the most part used by schools in different countries for teaching the stray pieces of extensive scale and microeconomics and organization and also by various tremendous associations for executives corporate getting ready.
Going for giving a colossal scale to age and usage of advanced types of cash, we isolate the method of the keep going’s creation into two on an exceptionally essential level unmistakable techniques: in the first place, mining as the mechanical strategy cryptographic squares age, too much entrapped for a large number individuals, making it difficult to fathom; and second, tunneling as the activity which is imperative and possible for the general populace, surrounding foundation for time of tokens and conceding them to people according to the delayed consequences of their operations.
The group fabricate a biological system that will engage anyone with major learning of economy, organization and endeavor to wind up evidently a digger who applying and benefitting by have capacity and aptitudes to get computerized cash in a multiuser overall business test framework that mirrors extensive scale and little scale saving techniques close by the relationship of monetary experts.
The project key benefits:
• Virtonomics is a dynamic and comprehended place stock in wander. This overall business test framework has been running what’s additionally, making for quite a while and positions among the most extensively known business test frameworks exhaustively.
• Other than the winding up yet in the meantime littler blockchain gathering, the errand goes for the wide business group and the overall public hunting down gadgets of operation and picking up on the Internet that are clear and available for all.
• The wander amass is a standout amongst the most grounded on the planet in its middle field, that of making of multiuser business proliferations and complex virtual economies.
• Acquiring VIC (VICoin) requires neither expensive mining gear nor the usage of megawatts of energy. With a particular true objective to develop a virtual business in an empowering multiuser money related increment one needs littletime (starting at 30 minutes consistently) and minimal blunt endeavors (starting at USD 50).
• Activities and selections of customers influence the execution of their virtual associations and, in this manner, the measure of cryptographic cash they tunnel.
• VICoin tokens have the status of AppCoins, and being application coins they are free from regulatory threats.
• From the preview of issuance VICoin tokens gave a moment naturalization channel: external organizations recognize VIC at more positive terms than fiat money. For example, from the correct moment of issuance one can pay in VIC for a broad assortment of educational organizations by Simformer at an elevated markdown of up to half. The customer can utilize these organizations himself or resale them to anyone at his own affability. The amount of assistant resources will be extended adequately.
• Dissimilar to the colossal larger piece of various self-rehashing computerized types of cash, VICoin relies upon the making of a honest to goodness included regard and the development of customers went for building an organic framework with associated regard for the bona fide economy.
The Project Roadmap:
2018 — Phase 1
Building blockchain infrastructure of Virtonomic$ platform
Limited issue of VICoin tokens for the ICO
Redesigning algorithms of Virtonomics business simulation to match the tasks of the cryptocurrency platform
Redesigning and streamlining business simulation interfaces for mass user
Preparing and launching the ICO
2018 — Phase 2
Releasing Virtonomic$ business simulation in the base functionality (cryptocurrency generation, self-contained economy, digging units, new UI, labor market etc) in English, Russian and Spanish
Beginning to build the network of partner services accepting VICoin as payment
Promo campaign for Virtonomic$ project and VICoincryptocurrency
2018 — Phase 3
Releasing the second milestone of the updated Virtonomic$ functionality (OpenData integration, expanding the functionality of the Virtonomics alternative market)
Further project localization (translation into Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, French and Portuguese)
Widening the network of partner services accepting VICoin
Promo campaign for the Alternative Labor Market project
2018 — Phase 4
Launching Virtonomic$ mobile app
Developing Virtonomics console apps (Xbox, PlayStation)
More widening the network of partner services accepting VICoin
500 000 users in 2018, tentatively 3 000 000 in 2019
The Project Team:
The VICoin has been designed and created by a highly experienced team of technology experts. The team’s members bring together expertise that gives them a deep understanding of the challenges faced by many crypto enterprises including the legal, regulatory and compliance issues.
Sergey Menshchikov — Project Leader Virtonomics
Sergey Morgalev — Technical Director, blockchain demon
Mikhail Rakhaev — Game Design
Denis Zhuravkov — Game Designer, Community manager
Anton Fedotov — Design/ UX
Further Information about the ICO please visit;
Official Website:


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