StopTheFakes is a decentralized Blockchain based technology platform that works very carefully through community involvement in dealing with organized crime issues such as intellectual property infringement, forgery and equipment. The platform intends to pass through a Blockchain engineering mechanism that ensures security, openness and transparency builds a valuable platform in which the rights of participants of all kinds will be dealt with relatively in an effort to save money allocated annually to counter counterfeit operations by countries different from the world.

The platform intends to solve this problem by providing consumers and rights holders with reliable channels of communication, protecting consumers and freeing the person from excessive responsibility, giving the rights holder the opportunity to gain some kind of reward, inciting the consumer and creating a scheme that will completely rule out the possibility play with the results.

This platform creates a system that will cut producers / and / or owners of retail brands, network owners including affiliates and franchises, movie studios, developers and publishers of computer games, musicians and labels, independent rights holders including but not limited to all other rights holders. intellectual property, with a primary focus on consumers, government and public organizations.

To give a clear illustration of how the platform works, the diagram below gives clues. An internal billing system is developed to make external payments and enables Performers and Editors to create SUB portfolios, so internal payments and transactions must be verified with reference to the Smart Blockchain Contract. Ethereum. ) IPFS network nodes generate distributed file systems for storing large amounts of data. Distributed Services An internal billing system is developed to make external payments and enables Performers and Editors to create SUB portfolios, so internal payments and transactions must be verified with reference to the Smart Blockchain Contract. Ethereum.

In addition, the Doer module configures a block to send to Blockchain, which contains information from the alert: 26 modules Operation Caller Module Doer IPFS Ethereum database decentralized Source warning - Mobile phone, PC Billing System Server Date and time of registration; Date and time of sending GPS coordinates of the violation; ID from Doer; Request an incoming HS ID and more. 27 We use Interplanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer hypermedia communication protocol that targets content. IPFS network nodes generate a distributed file system to store large amounts of data. Distributed Services An internal billing system is developed to make external payments and enables Performers and Editors to create SUB portfolios, so internal payments and transactions must be verified with reference to the Smart Blockchain Contract. Ethereum. ) IPFS network nodes generate distributed file systems for storing large amounts of data.

To create a global system facilitating the fight against counterfeiting and piracy all over the world.

To minimize the cost of detecting violations and help brand owners to come into direct contact with consumers. Fighting against violations of intellectual property rights will result in reduced advertising expenses and increased profits for law-abiding companies while hitting organized crime hard.

Cryptocurrency as a method of payment

Since we intend to use tokens as a means of remuneration for customers to pay for the doer’s services, we will now examine this aspect of using them.

The following are the key advantages of cryptocurrencies over fiat currencies as a method of payment:

*Payments can be made 24/7, 365 days a year.
*Considerably less time is required to make a transaction.
*There are no legal or geographical barriers to transactions.
*Low cost of transactions, an absence of extra commission fees or intermediaries.

The factors mentioned above make most payments in cryptocurrencies transnational. Up to 46% of all transactions vary from $100 to $1,000, and 34% of transactions exceed these amounts.

Because we intend to use tokens as a means of payment for clients to pay for the services of authors, we will now examine aspects of their use. This is the main advantage of crypto in relation to fiduciary currency as a method of payment: Payment can be made 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It takes a little time to complete the transaction. There are no legal or geographical barriers to transactions. Low transaction costs, no additional commissions or intermediaries.

The factors mentioned above make up most of the payments in transnational cryptourrency. Up to 46% of all transactions range from $ 100 to $ 1,000, and 34% transactions exceed this amount.

To reach this altitude, the platform is issuing ICO to the public. 29,000,000 tokens are available in total with 1.305.000 offered for Pre-ICO. 520 STFCoins is equivalent to 1 ETH. BTC and ETH are the only accepted currencies to transact on the platform.

Pre-ICO - will commence on 21 January 2018 at 12:00 NYC Time, UTC-4 and will expire on 21 February 2018 at 12:00 NYC Time, UTC-4.
ICO Event - will begin on 21 March 2018 at 12:00 NYC Time, UTC-4 and will expire on April 2, 2018 at 12:00 pm NYC Time, UTC-4 with a total offer of 20,271,000 token, taking into account minimum limit of 1, 671, 000. Token will be distributed as shown in the diagram below.

*Token Sale StopTheFakes*


Start date : November 21, 2017 (09:00 AM EST Time)
End date : December 20, 2017 (09:00 AM EST Time)
The number of tokens available : 1 305 000
Currency accepted : ETH, BTC
Token exchange rate : 1 ETH = 520 STFcoins
Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum : 0.1 ETH
Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin : 0.01 BTC


Day 1–2: +40% bonus
Day 3–10: +30% bonus
Day 16–30: +25% bonus


Start date : January 21, 2018 (09:00 AM EST Time)
End date : February 20, 2018 (09:00 AM EST Time)
The number of tokens available : 20 271 000
Currency accepted : ETH, BTC
Token exchange rate : 1 ETH = 520 STFcoins
Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum : 0.1 ETH
Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin : 0.01 BTC

*Distribution tokens*


June 2016 The Idea of the StopTheFakes Project.
September 2016 Service concept formation.
December 2016 Copyright protection analysis.
April 2017 Building token sale and blockchain development team.
May 2017 Negotiating on the service use terms with potential applicants.
July 2017 Development of the ERC-20-based token sales official website.
September 2017 Launching token distribution website.
November 2017 Token sales promotion stage.
November 2017 Community development, involving experts, spreading the idea.
December 2017 Launching service prototype.
January 2017 Launching mobile app prototype.
January 2017 Main stage of token sales.
February 2018 Alpha v.0.1 service release, its testing and debugging.
March 2018 Submitting token to the stock exchange listing. Initiating bidding.
March 2018 Main development stage.
April 2018 Launching Android app available for download.
May 2018 Launching Google Chrome and Opera extensions.
May 2018 Security audit. Vulnerability scanning
June 2018 Service launch; hitting first 5,000 copyright violation detections.
June 2018 Launching IOS app available for download.
July 2018 Launching Mozilla Firefox add-on.
August 2018 Engaging in close collaboration with major producers. Agreement signing.
September 2018 Reaching user count of 850 000 and a total of 40,000 breaches detected.
June 2019 Big Data implementation. Expanding the range of services for Applicants.
August 2019 Аudience building. A total of 400,000 copyright infringements detected.


Mikhail co-authored the project idea. Being a natural team-builder, he provides general guidance for the team and always comes up with some new ideas. Mikhail has a four-year legal experience in copyright protection. He worked in information security for four years and supervised a franchise project for another three years (18 facilities in the CIS). He sold his share in the franchise business and is currently investing in various online projects. Mikhail has two university degrees.

Igor is the co-author of the project idea and is in charge of the ongoing operations. For over a decade he has been working on the problem of counterfeit beauty products in EU countries. He has 12 year experience in photography and video production and two year experience in virtual reality business. Many studios seek his expertise as a photographer and artist regarding video filming and the production of commercials and auteur movies.

Aleksandr devises the basic strategy and is in charge of investor services. He successfully obtained an MBA degree. In 2009, Aleksandr founded a consulting company Suvorov Business. He also started some projects designed to encourage micro investing into small business and potentially highly lucrative ambitious projects

Dmitry is in charge of technological processes in our team. For 23 years, he held top position in IT sphere and was actively involved in creating telecommunication networks in Moscow. He also worked as Information Technology Adviser to Director General of TsAGI, or the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, in Moscow. Under Dmitri’s direction there have emerged and grown companies, which later on would form a nucleus of Rostelekom. He holds a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences.

Aleksey supervises Blockchain development and implementation. An active participant in Blockchain Hackathons, he has five years’ experience in IT development and three years’ experience in Blockchain. He was involved in developing backend solutions for Sberbank when serving as Chief Engineer at SberTech, a Russian joint-stock company. Aleksey also worked on controlling Vneshekonombank’s Blockchain-based supply chain.

Olga handles the Company’s public relations; among other things, she prepares press releases and presentations. She has twelve years’ experience in PR and public communication, as well as in organizing conferences and other major events. For the past 7 years, Olga has been working with some young and rising EU companies, including those in Czech Republic. She holds a degree from the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Maria also manages the Company’s PR activity, and she prepares press releases and presentations too. She has three-year experience in public communication and event organizing. Maria served as PR manager for ŠKODA AUTO a.s. in Czech Republic. She obtained a degree from Metropolitan University (Prague).

Maksim is responsible for communication in social networks and other media. He has 5 years’ experience in copywriting and spent 9 years in IT. He owns a SMM studio. In the past, Maksim was in gambling business, journalism and freelance copywriting. He holds a diploma in SEO & SMM from “ITSTEP” Computer Academy.


Mikhail advises the team on how to develop company’s communications with the general public. He is one of the pioneers of collective consciousness sociology. He has been a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2011. He is the Director of the Federal Sociological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mikhail is the winner of the Russian State Prize in science and technology.

Yevgenii provides legal advice on anti-counterfeiting. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology. He is a Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Law of Moscow State Institute of International Relations and a 2-class Counsellor in the Diplomatic Service. Yevgenii authored numerous academic works, including a monograph on government administration problems.

Vladimir advises the team on the efficiency of social technologies. He is a proud holder of a Ph.D. in Philosophy, a Professor and an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. He is one of the top specialists in the field of modern Sociology of Ethics. He drafted Ethics Code for Public Officers of the Russian Federation. Vladimir is fully committed to tackling moral issues in the field of public administration and personnel policy.

Igor advises the team on computer piracy-related legal issues. He has 15 years’ experience in copyright protection. He worked for a number of companies, including Adobe Systems, 1C, Ergo and Solo. At present, he heads a law firm, IPR Consulting (Virginia, USA) He holds a Master of Laws from the George Washington University (Washtington, D.C., USA).

Andrey provides expertise in Blockchain technology and smart contracts. He has 3 years’ experience in research and 5 years’ experience in IT. He developed backend solutions for Russia’s Sberbank, worked with Blockchain and smart contracts and helped to establish relations with the Ethereum network.

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